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Do you want to know more about music? Next week you can enjoy with an amazing video about history of music. 

It is the drawing of the video that Coral Muñoz and me are doing right now. Coral is a music teacher who is creating a really creative Wix about music theory. You can search her Wix here

Our video is the story about Charlie, a child who dislike studing the music theory and he met Mozart and Vivaldi who talked with him about the importance of understanding the music for composing. 


The pictures for the desing of the video were made by Storyboardthat



Scene 1:  Charly studying Music Theory.

Description:  Charly, a little boy, is studying Music Theory quite bored.

CHARLIE: ‘Uf, again studying Music Theory. I’m deadly bored! All day long making the lines of the staff and what’s more I have to memorise the name of every musical note. The Music Theory is useless!’

Scene 2: Mozart and Vivaldi show up.

Description:  Suddenly, Mozart and Vivaldi show up and introduce themselves to Charly. They tell him the importance of the Treble Clef.


VIVALDI: Did you just say that Music theory…

MOZART: useless?!

CHARLIE(surprisingly): Who are you? what are you doing in my bedroom?
VIVALDI:He is Mozart, the prodigy child and I’m Antonio Vivaldi, Italian and composer.

MOZART: We had listened that you “hate” the theory of music. That’s impossible!

CHARLIE: Yes I hate it! It is really bored for me. It makes no sense.
VIVALDI: But Charly: without notes, musicians can’t play any music.



Scene 3: The Notes and the Trebel Clef.

Description:  Vivaldi and Mozart start giving an explanation to Charlie.

MOZART: Imagine a staff  with the notes (...)

Audio: xylophone sound of the 7 musical notes.



Scene 3: The Notes and the Trebel Clef.


Description: Notes are mixed on the staff.


MOZART: (...) We can mix them and compose a little song.

VIVALDI: That’s it! But what could happen if the treble clef disappear? (...)


Audio: short piece of music.

Effects: notes mixed on the staff and FRAME OF A SONG.



Scene 3: The Notes and the Trebel Clef.


Description:  The trebel clef disappears and the notes fall from the staff.

VIVALDI: notes wouldn't have names!

MOZART: Yes! It would be a mess! Do you know how to write it? (a treble clef appears)

VIVALDI: If you follow this link (Trebel Clef) you will learn how to do that!

Audio: pounding the piano.

Effects: Trebel clef disappears and notes fall from the staff. Link

Image ‘Musical Staff’ from Wikipedia with Public Domain.



Scene 4:  Mozart and Vivaldi musical symbols.


Description:  Mozart and Vivaldi appear again with Charlie to explain the musical symbols..


MOZART: Moreover, apart from the treble clef there are many musical symbols.

VIVALDI: Exactly Mozart! And all of them are so important!

MOZART: For example, this is the Quarter note.


Audio: special sound when the note appears.

Effects: Image of the Quarter Note.



Scene 4: Mozart and Vivaldi musical symbols.

Description: Vivaldi naming the Half note (only voice).


VIVALDI: And this is the Half note (Image ‘Half_Note’ from Wikipedia with Public Domain)

Audio: special sound when the note appears.

Effects:  Image of the Half Note.



Scene 4: Mozart and Vivaldi musical symbols.


Description: Mozart naming the Whole note (only voice).

MOZART: and that one the Whole note! (Image ’Whole_Note’ from Wikipedia with Public Domain)

VIVALDI: Exactly Mozart!

Audio: special sound when the note appears.

Effects:  Image of the Whole Note.



Scene 4: Mozart and Vivaldi musical symbols.


Description: Charlie summarizing the content learnt.


Charlie: Ok! So, Quarter, Half and Whole!

MOZART: You can listen to this song to learn them! Quarter note


Effects: Image of the 3 musical symbols.



Scene 5: Musical Periods


Description: Charlie ask for the most important musical period. Each composer say his own period. they start fighting with the music of each the period.


Dialogue: [Charlie listening background music]

Charlie: Wou! It sounds difficult

Vivaldi: In my music period, the Baroque, many children knew all these things.

Mozart: I have been studying Music theory since I was a little kid! Children in the Classicism were smarter .

Charlie: Well, So what is the most important music period?

(At the same time)

Mozart: The Classicism!

Vivaldi: The Baroque!

Audio: Piece of music from the Baroque and Classicism.

Effects:  Transition to Frame 11.



Scene 6: Musical Fight!

Description: Vivaldi and Mozart start fighting all over the place. Going up and down, hiding and seeking, trying to catch each other.

(several noises and yellings)

Audio: Piece of music from the Baroque and Classicism

Effects:  Zoom



Scene 6: Musical Fight!


Description: Charlie make his own conclusion.


Charlie: Please, stop fighting! I will solve this conflict studying both periods because I want to have my own conclusions.  


Audio: Music suddenly stop.


Effects: Final Transition

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